Teen Restoration from Trauma and Loss

Our goal is to provide a tool for teens in a safe environment, helping them process and overcome the emotional difficulties inherent with foster care and previous abuse and neglect. 


  1. Provide Trauma and Loss Counseling for 4-10 teens
  2. Increase self-regulating and coping skills (managing emotions)
  3. Increase confidence and ability to discuss and write about hopes, fears, grief and loss
  4. Increase sense of self-worth and personal value
  5. Increase the ability to discern and connect with safe people (peers and adults)
  6. Increase the ability to develop and grow trust with safe people (peers and adults)



We will work in the areas of Reunification & Post-reunification with teens between the ages of 13 and 18 years old. Two mentors will work with these young teens twice per month during the Reunification process; afterward, during Post-reunification, our mentors will work with teens twice per month for up to 6 months. All meetings will be held at the Compassion House Facility. 


Program Summary

This program is focused around the Reunification of teens with families. It will include biological parents and chosen relatives/friends and post-reunification lessons for teens.